Friday, 20 April 2012


The Bristol Channel Branch A.G.M was held on Saturday 14th April at the Walton Park Hotel, Clevedon. With only about 2 dozen members attending.

The minutes of the previous years AGM were circulated, read, agreed and approved.  The Chairman gave his report on the 2011 season and gave news on the 2012 timetable, the new 'Friends of Waverley' season tickets (see separate post) and informed us that a new Waverley web site will be on-line shortly.

The branch accounts were circulated  and were read through/explained by the Chairman (in the Treasurers absence).  The Secretary gave a short report on the winter meetings and advised that a different venue for the Bristol meetings was being sought.

All current officers were prepared to stand for another year, and with no other nominees, all were re elected.  Vice Chair Moyra Denby did state that 2012 would be her final, final, final year and she will definitely be standing down next year.

A number of things were discussed under 'Any Other Business' - I wasn't taking notes so can't remember them all - one was, W.E.L. has increased the minimum number of tickets for charitable fundraising group bookings from 20(?)  to 50.  It was felt that this number was too high and would deter many groups booking - apparently, groups have been booking, taking the generous discount and not passing it on to the charity.  Solution - group pays the full price and WEL pays the discount to the charity.
One other thing was, early notification of the P.S.P.S. Annual General Meeting being held in Bath on Saturday 17th November.

At the close of the AGM business, we were able to look at the items that Andrew Gladwell had brought along from the PSPS archive, they were mainly items from P & A Campbell, there were also a number from Sidney Robinsons collection.  After that we all adjourned to the dining room (overlooking the Bristol Channel) where we enjoyed a very well presented, tasty three course lunch before heading for home.

Peter Havard

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